Website Publisher


This website is published by:


Société par actions simplifiée (French simplified company limited by shares)
Share capital: 121 959,21 euros
Paris Trade and Companies’ Register No. D 319 939 120
Registered office: 30 Boulevard de Vaugirard 75015 Paris
Legal representative: Christine Bergeron
Intra-Community VAT number: FR44319939120


Director of publication

Ms Christine Bergeron, in her capacity as legal representative of the company Cerba Path.


Website developer

Niji S.A., share capital : 284 903€
Rennes Trade and Companies’ Register No 439 055 278.
Registered office : Identity 1 - 9A, rue de Châtillon 35 000 Rennes - France 

Photo Credits

Adode stock / Getty Image

Photographers: Bertrand Mallet and Alexandre Surre


Website Host

This application is hosted on the Microsoft Cloud offering (Azure). It is geographically located in the Microsoft hosting centre in "France Central".

For more information, please refer to the following links:

Microsoft Azure legal notice 


Confidentiality at Microsoft